So I discovered something interesting on my block: a pizza-parlor-slash-comic-book-store.
For realz. It's totally the same store. Of course, all the books are in Korean, so I can't read them while I wait for the pizza. (I can't call ahead to order 'cause, again, don't speak Korean [yet]. Which is a shame, because there is no such thing as a tip OR a delivery charge here.)
I think this discovery is even more interesting that the boxing gym next door to my apartment that blasts "YMCA" as the manly men inside beat each other to a pulp.
Or you know, actually, maybe it's not.
So, yeah, I'm settling down into Korea OK.
Especially since they took down that sign that was hanging on the wall of the elementary school, that proclaimed "Spare the rod, spoil the child." with a backdrop of a pretty flower-covered field and a blue sky.
Of course, they only took it down because the hanger broke when the water pipe burst on the second story of the English Experience Center, the morning of my first classes ever. We had to have the class in a different building, which considering the fact that our classes were entirely built around the new technology and little mock-kitchens and mock-stores and mock-hospitals in the Experience Center, and thus had to come up with 5 hours of new material off the tops of our heads, is quite substantial.
There were several inches of water. Some teachers were standing on the bottom floor with snow shovels, pushing the water (streaming down the stairs) out the door. All day.
Shockingly, despite the fact that there were tons of COMPUTERS on that floor that had several inches of water on it, nothing was damaged.
Except those picture hangers. They also took down "Eagles don't catch files.", which is a shame.
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